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Fourways 2 6 Dilston Terrace, Amble, Northumberland, NE65 0DT
Tel: 01665 714695 | Email:

December Roundup

Amble Town Council – Monthly Roundup – December 2024


Councillor Vacancies

There are now two Councillor vacancies on Amble Town Council.  One in the West Ward and one in the Central Ward.  If you would like to give your time and get involved in what happens in your community, contact the office on for an application form.

Community Website

You will be able to find out about all the activities in and around Amble for all ages and interests at this one stop shop for information.  The website will continue to grow as new information is uploaded and its not too late if you have something you would like added.  Please contact

Grant Requests

This month the Town Council has donated £100 to the Great North Air Ambulance and £130 to the Alnwick and District Sports Award for the Senior Male Category.

Neighbourhood Development Plan

The Steering Group have been working extremely hard pulling together all the relevant sites for assessment as part of the plan.  Sub Committees are being set up to look at data in more detail.  For further information please visit

Amble First School – Community Asset Transfer

Unfortunately, due to the very high running and refurbishment costs of the Amble First School site, this Council has decided not to proceed with the Community Asset Transfer from Northumberland County Council.

Council are very disappointed that Northumberland County Council (NCC) could not commit to retaining the running of the building and inputting some of their services there with the addition of the Town Council itself to offset some costs, as has occurred in other areas. The community consultation showed that the type of services which NCC and other bodies offer such as counselling and advice services for many issues e.g. alcohol, drugs, domestic violence, finance, healthy living as well as educational, literacy, vocational courses and training programmes were all needed to be based in the town as many are unable to travel further to gain access to these. It would have been wonderful to have all of these as well as room for interest groups to meet but unfortunately our extensive pleas were not answered successfully.

This council has investigated what venue availability there is in the town and this can be viewed here:

Amble Toilets

Amble Town Council is committed to working together with Northumberland County Council to ensure the new toilet refurbishment is fit for purpose for our ever-growing town.  We hope to be able to provide you with some more information on this in the New Year.

It’s Your Town – feedback and suggestions.

We welcome feedback and suggestions from all members of our community.  If you would like to know more about what we are doing for the town or would like to know how you can get involved in our work please contact us on 01665 714695 or or call into the office.