At present the Council has Committees for Amenities and Planning. It also sets up Working Groups as required.
The Chairman and Vice Chairman are elected and the memberships of the committees are decided at the Annual Meeting of the Council which is held in May.
Full Council meetings are normally held the second Thursday of every month at 6.00p.m. in the Council Offices. At this time all town matters are discussed and any communications received are addressed. The Full Council also oversees the Council’s expenditure.
Amenities Committee meetings which deal with all aspects of the Town’s amenities including East and West Cemeteries, Allotments, the small Council owned Play Area off Phillip Drive, Paddlers Park, Town seats, Litter bins, Floral displays, Bus shelters and Rights of Way are normally held on the last Thursday of the months of May, July, September, November, January and March at 6.00p.m. It organises Council held events such as the Garden and Civic Awards and the Remembrance Day Wreath Laying Ceremony.
Planning Committee meetings are held as required on receipt of plans- usually on a Tuesday evening at 6.00p.m. Any plans lodged with Northumberland County Council for the Civic Parish of Amble are commented upon; often plans lodged for the borders of the immediately surrounding parishes are received for comment too as these could affect the town.
Every meeting’s agenda is advertised on the Town Notice boards, the Council Website and Social media. Minutes are available on the Council website or by appointment at the Council Office.
Council meetings are open to the public and time is allowed at the beginning for anyone to address the Council with questions or concerns they wish to raise after prior notification to the Clerk.