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Fourways 2 6 Dilston Terrace, Amble, Northumberland, NE65 0DT
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East Cemetery

Amble Town Council is responsible for the East Cemetery on Links Road.

The town expanded and its population increased greatly in the nineteenth century until in 1869, Amble became an ecclesiastical parish in its own right separate from Warkworth parish. Although this new parish contained not only Amble but Hauxley, Glosterhill and part of Togston, burials still took place at Warkworth. Soon a new Joint Burial Board was formed and a need was identified for a cemetery to be built at the east end of the town.

Two and a half acres made up the burial land, with two imposing chapels linked by a tall spire and a residential property erected there. Built by E & D.M. Spence, Builders and Contractors of Queen Street, Amble, it was consecrated in 1878 and cost in the region of £2,000. The Clerk of Works to the Council occupied the cottage on the site.

The purchase of the right to burial and the right of erection of a headstone started at £2 and the burial itself began at 7s 6d- about 36 pence in today’s coinage!

However within 25 years it became apparent that the East Cemetery was too limited for the ever increasing population and so in 1903 land in the west of the town was purchased for a second cemetery.

Gradually the chapels ceased to be used and fell into disrepair- they were demolished for safety reasons in 1971. Over time the whole area took on a rather neglected air despite the main grass area being cut.

After a time of discussion and preparation work, in 2004, the Council with the help of the East Northumberland Regeneration Initiative, was successful in being awarded a Heritage Lottery Grant to help restore the spire and gates. Some environmental work was also done but it was decided that the area of rare wild flowers and the wildlife habitats would be preserved. Information boards and new seating- some donated in memory of loved ones buried there- were placed so all could sit peacefully contemplating or wander quietly learning its history and about the plants and animals which inhabit the cemetery.