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Fourways 2 6 Dilston Terrace, Amble, Northumberland, NE65 0DT
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Amble First School – Community Asset Transfer

Council are sad to say that after intensive investigation and discussion they will not be entering into a Community Asset Transfer of Edwin Street school building from Northumberland County Council.

It has taken some time to get all the current figures for the various aspects of the annual costs of operating the site. Council commissioned a survey of the building itself which shows quite a lot of work would be needed to have it fully operational as a community hub. An energy survey was also undertaken to look at ways to reduce the current costs of approx. £30,000 per year. Whilst grants may have been obtainable for the refurbishment, it is unlikely that many would be available for normal yearly running costs.

Council are very disappointed that Northumberland County Council (NCC) could not commit to retaining the running of the building and inputting some of their services there with the addition of the Town Council itself to offset some costs, as has occurred in other areas. The community consultation showed that the type of services which NCC and other bodies offer such as counselling and advice services for many issues e.g. alcohol, drugs, domestic violence, finance, healthy living as well as educational, literacy, vocational courses and training programmes were all needed to be based in the town as many are unable to travel further to gain access to these. It would have been wonderful to have all of these as well as room for interest groups to meet but unfortunately our extensive pleas were not answered successfully.

Conservative estimates after renovation and better energy measures are implemented put the annual costs at possibly £42000 without any staffing, repairs or maintenance budget. For the building to operate as a community hub it would need at least 2 or 3 ‘anchor’ groups to help with the annual costs which could be supplemented by other casual bookings of rooms- but this Council on its own cannot commit to that nor expect all our townspeople to pay a steep rise in their parish council tax to fund it.

However although very disappointed, Council has now endeavoured to get information about the various venues in the town who are willing to host groups of people wishing to follow an interest/hobby etc. Surprisingly there appear to be quite a few more vacancies than was initially thought. Council will contact all the agencies set up for Counselling, advice, health and educational needs so they are aware that there are openings for them to come and offer their services to the town.  Please also take a look and contact the venues so the past times and interests you would like to see here in the town can get going.