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Fourways 2 6 Dilston Terrace, Amble, Northumberland, NE65 0DT
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Community Hub Public Consultation 19 November 2024

Does Amble need another community building?
Whilst we are not in a position to exhibit any plans at this early stage – this is all about what you-our community-want. No ideas for Amble First School or any other project can be shown or progressed until your views and all the facts and costs are known.
Whilst Northumberland County Council have indicated they could look favourably on an Asset Transfer of the Amble First School building to the Community, they have not said if there would be any initial or annual costs involved. Meanwhile Amble Town Council have been looking closely at the site and have had a building survey carried out. This has shown that some costly renovations/alterations would be needed to convert it into a Community hub; however it is hoped that grant funding could go a long way to cover these costs.
An energy survey has also been commissioned to see how the present costs for these could be reduced- e.g. adding more solar panels, better energy efficiency. The annual regulatory and maintenance costs are still being sourced from Northumberland County Council as well as a potential rates assessment.
All these figures and more are needed before Amble Town Council can decide if it is a viable project and produce a business plan. However current analysis is showing that the annual running costs might only be viable with 2 or more ‘permanent tenants’ plus ad hoc groups.
We need your views- does Amble need a new Community building or should the present venues be looked at to see if they can be expanded for more usage?
What activities, leisure pursuits, learning etc. do you feel Amble lacks and needs more space for?
Come along to the Top Floor, Fourways 2 on 19th November any time between 12 and 6p.m. to make your thoughts known as it is only with these that any changes or expansions can be promoted.