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Planning Consultation 23/04659/OUT Coal Yard The Wynd Amble NorthumberlandNE65 0LF

Planning Consultation 23/04659/OUT Coal Yard The Wynd Amble NorthumberlandNE65 0LF

Following the reorganisation of urban councils into districts then into the County Council, Amble Town Council was only left with ownership of land which had belonged to its Burial Board- cemeteries, an area permitted as allotments and a small area of land just off the bottom of the Wynd. The cemetery land remains as that, the tenanted allotment plots are well used at present and will remain too. The building on the Wynd site was in a dilapidated state and has since been demolished; the retaining wall, although made safe temporarily, needs attention; tenancies here have been problematic, so council wanted to see if they could secure a better use for the town.

For some time it has become increasingly apparent that Amble needs more smaller homes for older people, single people and those just starting out as a couple. We need to try our best to retain our young people as they are our town’s future. The need for this type of home has been noted by central government as well as in the county’s core strategy. Despite urging developers to consider this, the recent residences, and those not yet begun but approved in planning, are mainly for large 3 bedrooms or more.

Amble Town Council is delighted to announce that an ‘Option to Buy’ subject to planning permission has been agreed for the land just off the bottom of the Wynd including the overgrown scrubland and the redundant fenced area within the allotments. Amble Homes has been working with us for a while and are now preparing an outline planning application to build some smaller homes/apartments as well as some town houses here preferably for permanent residence.

We appreciate this development will increase traffic  at the bottom of the Wynd but discussions will be held with NCC Highway on ways to alleviate any difficulties this may cause.

The entrance from the Wynd will remain in Council ownership but be shared and will be upgraded for the benefit of these new residents as well as allotment tenants. The walkways through the allotments area will be retained for general use.

If planning permission is granted, then Amble Homes will be able to purchase the land. However this could be many months into the future. As there is no money yet, there are no firm plans as to what use it will be put. We do have a few ideas under consideration of how this might be best spent to benefit our community but none of these can be fully considered or professionally investigated until this finance is available.

Please address any enquiries to our Town Clerk on 01665714695 or Email