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Fourways 2 6 Dilston Terrace, Amble, Northumberland, NE65 0DT
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HERitage Fair Monday 6th March 10.30am – 2.30pm

We are pleased to invite you and anyone in your networks to our three-day #IWD23 festival on Monday 6th, Tuesday 7th and Wednesday 8th March. And in the meantime, we will still be open every Monday with our drop-in Warm Space, gardening on Wednesdays and for our local groups on Thursdays.

Monday 6th March 10.30 – 2.30 A picture containing text

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The HERitage Fair features stalls with lovely arts and crafts created by local women, as part of our HERitage project. Most stalls will also include a taster activity so you can get creative. There will be refreshments and information stalls about what’s available for women locally including business advice. The day will end with a bike ride taster too! The event is at the Dovecote Centre, Dovecote Street, Amble NE65 0DX

Let us know if you’re planning to come at We’d also be pleased to hear from you if you’re interested in running a stall.