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Seafarers Memorial

Early in 2020, a meeting was held as Ken Henderson and Michael Lewis believed the 80th anniversary of the WWII mining of Amble’s Dredger ‘Coquet Mouth’ was an appropriate time to commemorate this event which to date had not received public recognition at the harbour.  During discussions with John Bartlett, Craig Weir and Helen Lewis about a suitable board, a roll of honour for seagoing personnel was mentioned. It was believed that many associate the present War Memorials with army personnel even though there are 16 seagoing personnel there. Thus the idea of a Seafarers Memorial was born, where all such men would be honoured whether from conflicts or assisting those in danger on the sea at any time.

Unfortunately the Covid pandemic then slowed progress on these ideas as few firms were working and therefore unable to cost an information board; nor were public meetings allowed to pursue the memorial idea and start fundraising.

However the basic idea of possibly using an original bollard and anchor had been conceived, so a design incorporating these was worked on. A planning application which was needed was applied for in October 2020 but not finally agreed until April 2021. Meanwhile an original Amble harbour bollard was donated and the two anchors from the grounds of Artique were given. These were all uplifted and stored. Obviously after many years of use and weathering, they would all need attention.

Although firms began working again, they had many commitments and so it proved difficult to get a date for progress; however this autumn the bollard and anchors were shot blasted and painted as well as some chain and at last the actual construction could go ahead.

All those who gave so willingly either financially or physically are acknowledged on the Memorial which, like the Clock Tower, was achieved by the community’s own individuals and businesses as a lasting tribute for its community.

In recognition and appreciation of the support which made this memorial possible

Amble Town Council     Amble Boat Co. Ltd            W.Gibson           Hindhaugh Homes

Northern Structures Ltd.              Northwood Tree Surgery         Sample Building Services

Kevin Stewart                  Warkworth Harbour Commissioners

Michael & Helen Lewis           Craig &  Maggie Weir