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Town Council Minutes 8th September 2011

Minutes of a meeting of Amble Town Council held on Thursday 8th September 2011 at 6.30pm in the Council Office, The Quayside, Harbour Road, Amble.


1. PRESENT: Councillors Bilboe, Arckless, Hinson, Palin and Mrs Lewis together with the Clerk.

Journalist Robert Brooks was also in attendance.

 As Chairman, Cllr Bilboe formally welcomed Cllr Palin to his first meeting of the Town Council.

 2. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Councillor Weir – other commitments, Cllr Nicholson – unwell. These proposed by Cllr Mrs Lewis, seconded by Cllr Bilboe and agreed.


 4. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME: (maximum 15 minutes) The Clerk informed that County Councillor Watson was running late for the meeting but had asked her to ask a question on his behalf. His question was whether the Council had endorsed the actions of the Mayor in sending pictures of the Welfare looking in a state of disrepair to the local press.  Cllr Bilboe confirmed that he had actually send the pictures and commented only as a ward member and this therefore did not need endorsed by the Council.


5.1: Minutes of Town Council Meeting held Thursday 14th July 2011 were adopted on the proposal of Cllr Hinson, seconded by Cllr Mrs Lewis and agreed.


6.1: Survey of 7 bus shelters requested 15/7/11. Results of survey received 20/7/11.  Forwarded to NCC 20/7/11.

6.2: Lightning conductor inspection complete.  Certificate received 30/07/11.

6.3: Town Clock dials synchronised, third wheel re-bushed and pendulum spring replaced. 16/08/2011

6.4: Enquiry re: Firework display; Clerk responded

6.5: goes live

6.6: Painting of Philip Drive Play area postponed until early spring 2012

6.7: Schools contacted re: Local Democracy Week

6.8: Social History Group Display in Council meeting room from 22nd August to 16th September

6.9: Enquiry to Paul Morrison re: RSPB display


7.1: Consideration of firework display; the Clerk detailed the correspondence received.  The correspondent had not attended the meeting to give further information and it was felt it would therefore be too late to consider this for November this year.

7.2: Comments on website; having all seen the website, all of the Councillors gave positive feedback

7.3: Local Democracy Week – An update – The Clerk informed that James Calvert Spence College and St. Cuthbert’s RC First School wished the Councillors to visit.  The Clerk would enquire again at the other 2 first schools and request details of age groups, student numbers and if there was any specific subjects the schools wished the Councillors to cover.  Councillors who are available to take part in Local Democracy week will meet  on 22nd September at 5.30pm prior to the meeting of the Finance Committee to discuss the presentatation.

 County Councillor Watson entered the meeting.


8.1: The Clerk informed that the timetable had not yet been released from the elections office of the by-elections for the 2 central ward vacancies.  An invoice had however been received for the cost of the West by-election.  This cost was approx. £2690 and included rent of polling station, poll cards, ballot books, postal votes/polls, staffing, administration and postal vote packs.  At present, Admin costs only would be charged for the 2 occasions where the central ward vacancies were advertised.


The Chairman gave his report, copy attached.


10.1 County Councillor Arckless gave his report; copy available on the Council website and by application from the Clerk.

10.2 County Councillor Watson stated that he was pleased the plans for the library were coming into fruition.

At the Welfare, the Youth Project had secured funding for 3 years football coaching with a professional coach.  LMAPs were also looking into the possibility of coaching for younger children on the Lord Mayor’s field. 

It was hoped that the Braid village green would be classed as a strategic tourist site so grass cutting would continue to be done by NCC after the transfer of services; otherwise Warkworth Parish Council would take out a S.L.A. with N.C.C..


Cllr Hinson had attended a meeting which the business group had organised with a representative from Tesco.  As an observer.  Data was being collected via postcode information held on club cards to look at the preferred products bought by customers of their stores.  This information was to be shared with the business group.

The rep. said the strength of the store would be it’s proximatry to Queen Street and this would benefit Queen Street.  A retail team would be appointed to look at how the store can liase with local traders.  A rep. would also be appointed to work with community groups regarding help with funding or manpower etc.The access road would commence at the start of 2012.

Cllr Mrs Lewis proposed requesting a rep. attend a Town Council meeting in Jan/Feb, this was seconded by Cllr Hinson and agreed.


12.1: Concern over Crossing on Acklington Road from Skate Park – Cllr Bilboe had experienced first hand and had received numerous complaints from residents and drivers about children running across the road.  County Councillor Watson commented that he had previously suggested traffic calming measures on Acklington Road however consultation with the residents showed that they did not want these and therefore the project had to be withdrawn.  Warning signs were now in place and lines of sight were being observed for grass/hedge cutting.  Cllr Hinson raised the question of why there was a build-out at the end of Acklington Road instead of a chicane.  The Clerk would send a letter to NCC Highways enquiring about this.

12.2: Creation of working party for Remembrance Sunday – The Clerk reminded this had been suggested earlier in the year.  Cllr Hinson proposed ordering maroon flash rockets for both Remembrance Sunday and Armistice Day and a working party to discuss further arrangements to be held at 5.30pm on 20th October.  This was seconded by Cllr Mrs Lewis and agreed.

12.3: Central Ward Polling Station – Consideration of change of venue – Cllr Mrs Lewis proposed due to costs, suggesting to the Elections office that St. Cuthbert’s Church Hall or the Trinity Methodist Church Hall be considered as future polling stations for the Central ward.  This was seconded by Cllr Hinson and agreed.

12.4: Consideration and Approval of News page – Cllr Mrs Lewis proposed the content of the newspage, this was seconded by Cllr Bilboe and agreed.

12.5: Consideration of dates for Queen’s Jubilee Event working Party – After initial discussions by Members, Cllr Mrs Lewis suggested having a meeting of all interested parties to discuss the possibility of an event for celebrating the Queen’s Jubilee be held on Friday 7th October at 5.00pm in the Council Office.  This was seconded by Cllr Bilboe and agreed. The Clerk would contact all schools, community groups etc. in the area.

12.6: Responsibilities of litter collection in Welfare – Cllr Hinson questioned who was responsible for litter collection at the welfare.  County Councillor Watson explained that when the young people requested the skate park they agreed to be responsible for the litter collection.  Cllr Hinson stated his disappointment that this was not being done.  Cllr Bilboe commented that at present a volunteer from Wellwood Street was doing the litter collection.

12.7: Consideration of species of trees for planting in West Avenue – The Clerk informed that the NCC tree specialist had suggested a variety of species for planting of West Avenue.  After consideration Cllr Hinson suggested the small leafed lime (tilla cortdata Greemspire) to be deferred to the meeting of the Finance Committee for consideration of costs with protective shields if available otherwise to the next Council meeting..  This was seconded by Cllr Mrs Lewis and agreed.

12.8: Consideration of Radcliffe Memorial Restoration – Cllr Mrs Lewis suggested, as a contractor had said there could be a problem with renewing the lettering, asking a specialist company what they would charge to view the marble panels that required work on site and give an estimate and also for the Clerk to complete an  expression of interest grant form to submit to the Wolffsen Foundation and the War Memorials Trust when the information required was to hand.  This was seconded by Cllr Hinson and agreed.


13.1: The Minutes of the Meeting held Thursday 21st July 2011 were circulated and adopted on the proposal of Cllr Hinson, seconded by Cllr Bilboe and agreed.


14.1: The Minutes of the Meeting held Thursday 28th July 2011 were circulated and adopted on the proposal of Cllr Mrs Lewis, seconded by Cllr Bilboe and ageed.


15.1: The minutes of the meeting held Saturday 9th July 2011 were circulated and adopted on the proposal of Cllr Bilboe, seconded by Cllr Mrs Lewis and agreed.


16.1: The planning report for the month on July 2011 was received.

16.2: The minutes of the meeting held Tuesday 12th July were circulated and adopted on the proposal of Cllr Hinson, seconded by Cllr Mrs Lewis and agreed.


The next meeting was scheduled for 26th September at 6p.m. in Fourways 2.


18.1: Email re: Welfare litter problems; Clerk forwarded to Development Trust.

18.2: Reply from Paul Morrison re: RSPB display, the Clerk read out the reply detailing the future plans of the CCTV feed from Coquet Island.  The Council would explore the possibilities of a screen for a live computer internet feed to the island for the meeting room and also the possibility of utilising the old desktop pc for Amble GPX internet access.  The Clerk explained the desktop would require a wireless adaptor if it was to be used in this capacity and recommended an internal adaptor; if these ideas were possible, this was agreed on the proposal of Cllr Hinson, seconded by Cllr. Bilboe.

18.3: Joint NCC Town/Parish Council Meetings; the Chair and Vice Chair were to attend


19.1: Regeneration Funding bulletin No. 26 – 31 by email

19.2: Bin changing days road show.  Poster displayed, emailed to all councillors, telephone call to VN.

19.3: Clerks and Councils Direct – September 2011

19.4: CAN e-news August 2011

19.5: Royal British Legion event

19.6: CAN e-news July 2011

 The information items were received enbloc on the proposal of Cllr Arckless, seconded by Cllr Bilboe and agreed.

(All items will be placed on information table for interested Members)

Information items are not to be taken away from the Meeting but photocopies can be made, if required.


20:1 The date & time of the next Meeting will be on Thursday 13th October 2011 at 6.30pm. in the Town Council Meeting Room, The Quayside, Amble

Under Section 100A (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public will be excluded from the Meeting during consideration of the following items on the Agenda due to sensitive nature.

This was proposed by Cllr Bilboe, seconded by Cllr Arckless and agreed.


 P01. Report from Town Council

The Minutes of Town Council Meeting held Thursday 14th July 2011 were adopted on the proposal of Cllr Bilboe, seconded by Cllr Arckless and agreed.

 P02. Report from Cemeteries Management Committee

Minutes of the meeting held Thursday 21st July 2011 were adopted on the proposal of Cllr Hinson, seconded by Cllr Arckless and agreed.

 P03. Report from the Finance Committee

The were no private minutes to approve

 P04. Consideration of Possible sites for freehold ownership of Council premises and order of priorities Cllr Hinson proposed consideration based on the various sites that were available at the present time in order to look in greater detail at the possibilities and implications. Cllr Bilboe seconded this and it was agreed. Members marked their order of preference; Cllr Hinson would collate these and report back to the next meeting.

 P05. Consideration of Office Notice board –

After discussion, Cllr Mrs Lewis suggested getting quotes for an A1 sized notice board with opening doors and an ‘Amble Town Council’ header similar to that on the outside of the T.I.C. building.  This was seconded by Cllr Bilboe and agreed

 P06. Consideration of transfer of facilities to Council ownership – Cllr Bilboe withdrew this item from the agenda.

 P07. Appointment of Cleaner – The Clerk informed that a cleaner had been hired to work 7 hours a month cleaning the office, corridor and meeting room.  The cleaner had been given a set of keys, contract and the necessary payment details had been arranged.  She would be paid at minimum wage.

 P08. Working with Your Council – Training course – The Clerk informed of a 2 day training course to be held in Newcastle on 15th September and 13th October for which a certificate of achievement would be given.  The course was designed to build on professionalism and to aid those completing the CiLCA portfolio.  Cllr Hinson proposed Council agree to the Clerk’s attendance and pay for the course; Cllr Mrs Lewis seconded this with the proviso the Clerk was willing to cover her own travel and meal expenses.  This was agreed. The Clerk would complete a training agreement.

The meeting closed at 8.35pm