Minutes of a Meeting of Amble Town Council Finance Committee held on Thursday, 1st September 2011 at 6.30pm in The Council Office, The Quayside, Amble.
1. PRESENT: Councillors Mrs Lewis (Chairman), Bilboe, Palin, Hinson and Weir; together with the Clerk- Miss E Brown.
3. APOLOGIES: Cllr Arckless – other commitments
These were accepted by Councillor Mrs Lewis, seconded by Councillor Bilboe and agreed.
4.1: Government Procurement cards received
5.1: HMRC Change of office details
6.1: No cheques were signed in advance of the Septemebr meeting having been approved at the July meeting.
6.2: The following cheques had been signed out of Meeting because of the urgency of the matter and retrospective approval was proposed by Cllr Hinson, seconded by Cllr Weir and agreed.
TC0501 | 102457 | Dussarts | Engraving garden awards |
£23.00 |
TC0502 | 102458 | ATC | Petty cash |
£50.00 |
TC0503 | 102459 | Npower | Old office electricity |
£317.73 |
CM0501 | 102460 | S & B Roller shutters | Shutter service |
£216.00 |
CM0502 | 101461 | Npower | Cemetery electricity |
£43.69 |
TC0504 | 102462 | BT | Telephone |
£22.33 |
TC0505 | 102462 | BT | Internet Services |
£90.00 |
6.3: The following payments have been made/ received using petty cash.
Payment to/from | Reason | Amount |
Balance £50.91 |
PC0501 | Poundland | Stationary | -£1.00 |
£49.91 |
PC0502 | WH Smiths | Stationary | -£1.49 |
£48.42 |
PC0503 | T Mobile | Phone credit | -£20.00 |
£28.42 |
PC0504 | ATC | Petty cash | +£50.00 |
£78.42 |
PC0505 | Post Office | Postage | -£57.68 |
£20.74 |
PC0506 | Amble Hardware | Cleaning equipment | -£11.71 |
£9.03 |
PC0507 | Asda | Cleaning products | -£5.88 |
£3.15 |
PC0508 | Alan Brown (market) | Plants (Pride in Amble) | -£3.00 | £0.15 |
6.4: The accounts for the month were presented and cheques signed on the proposal of Cllr Bilboe, seconded by Cllr Weir and agreed.:
TC0506 | 102463 | Stone | Lightning conductor test |
£119.70 |
TC0507 | 102464 | HMRC | Tax and NI month 5 |
£1426.39 |
TC0508 | 102465 | Trinity Methodist Church | Premises hire |
£11.25 |
TC0509 | 102466 | Amble Development Trust | News page |
£180.00 |
TC0510 | 102467 | Hilton Thomas | Garden Awards |
£33.50 |
TC0511 | 102471 | ATC | Petty cash |
£50.00 |
TC0512 | 102472 | Thus | Domain name |
£60.00 |
TC0513 | 102473 | Smith of Derby | Clock repair |
£1622.40 |
TC0514 | 102475 | Youngs/Amble Hardware | Gloss – Pride in Amble |
£6.38 |
CM0503 | 102468 | Safechem | Hand towel/toilet roll disp |
£171.70 |
CM0504 | 102469 | Ken’s Auto Parts | Husqvarna number plates |
£19.20 |
CM0505 | 102470 | E & AM Williams | Fuel & Oil |
£172.52 |
CM0506 | 102474 | Teleshore | Synthetic grass |
£422.40 |
CM0507 | 102419 | Peter Stewart | Topsoil/hardcore |
£120.00 |
6.5: The following amounts have been received since the last Meeting and will be presented for information:
RC0601 | Santander | Interest |
£4.51 |
RC0602 | Bart Endean | INV111221 |
£200.00 |
Total £204.51
6.7: Acceptance of SPENd/Budget Figures – YTD plus bank reconciliation:
The figures for the month of August 2011 will be presented; copies are available on application to the Clerk.
7.1: Vitalise – The Clerk had requested information of the instances when this service was used in the Amble area. A grant application form would be forwarded.
7.2: FC Amble Juniors – The Clerk read out the application form which was requesting funding of £1000 toward football strips, goalposts and nets, training equipment, footballs, league fees and Insurance. After some consideration, Cllr Mrs Lewis reminded the Council that it was policy to grant fund capital expenses and not revenue expenses, therefore proposed to grant £350 to cover the cost of goal posts and nets, training equipment and footballs. This was seconded by Cllr Bilboe and agreed.
7.3: Amble Pier 81 Football Club – The Clerk read out the application which was a request to purchase a new set of football posts. The cost was £692 and they had requested £350. Cllr Hinson proposed granting £350, this was seconded by Cllr Weir and agreed.
9. DATE & TIME OF NEXT MEETING: The next Meeting was scheduled to be held on Thursday, 22nd September 2011 at 6.30pm in The Council Offices, The Quayside, Amble
Following acceptance of the adoption of Section 100a (4) of the Local Government Act the remainder of the Meeting will be held in Private
This was proposed by Cllr Mrs Lewis, seconded by Cllr Bilboe and agreed.
P01. Quotes for Office and Cemetery noticeboards for approval
Cllr Mrs Lewis proposed the Office notice board be moved to the Town Council meeting and the Cemeteries Noticeboard be moved to the Cemeteries Management Committee. This was seconded by Cllr Hinson and agreed.