Minutes of a Meeting of Amble Town Council Finance Committee held on Thursday, 22nd September 2011 at 6.30pm in The Council Office, The Quayside, Amble.
1. PRESENT: Councillors Mrs Lewis (Chairman), Arckless, Hinson and Palin; together with the Clerk- Miss E Brown.
3. APOLOGIES: Cllr Weir – other commitments
These were accepted by Councillor Mrs Lewis, seconded by Councillor Arckless and agreed.
4.1: Audit paperwork received; no matters requiring attention 12/09/2011.
4.2: VAT reclaim submitted to 31st August
4.3: Clerk enquiring with internal auditor about dates for an interim audit
5.1: BT accounts switched to business service, mailing address corrected and confirmation of credit of £16.99 to next bill.
6.1: The following cheques were signed in advance of the September 22nd meeting having been approved at the September 1st meeting.
Ref | Cheque number | Payment made to | Reason |
Gross amount |
TC0601 | 102476 | FC Amble Juniors | Donation |
£350.00 |
TC0602 | 102477 | Amble Pier 81 FC | Donation |
£350.00 |
6.2: No cheques were signed out of meeting that required retrospective approval
6.3: The following payments have been made/ received using petty cash.
Ref | Payment to/from | Reason | Amount |
Balance £0.15 |
PC0601 | ATC | Petty Cash | +£50.00 |
£50.15 |
PC0602 | Post Office | Postage | -£1.23 |
£48.92 |
PC0603 | Post Office | Staples | -0.99 |
£47.93 |
6.4: The accounts for the month were presented for approval and the necessary cheques signed on the proposal of Cllr Hinson, seconded by Cllr Arckless and agreed:
Ref | Cheque Number | Payment made to | Reason |
Gross amount |
TC0603 | 102478 | Colin H@rris Website Development | Website Development |
£700.00 |
TC0604 | 102479 | HMRC | Tax & NI month 6 |
£1112.49 |
TC0605 | 102480 | Northumberland County Council | Amble West By-election |
£2690.17 |
TC0606 | 102481 | BT | Telephone |
£232.86 |
TC0607 | 102482 | SLCC | Training course |
£175.00 |
TC0608 | 102483 | Premier Design and Print | ATC Christmas cards |
£111.60 |
TC0609 | 102484 | BDO | Audit |
£660.00 |
TC0610 | 102485 | Staples | Stationary |
£85.62 |
TC0611 | 102493 | Warkworth Harbour Commissioner | Office Rent |
£1375.00 |
CM0601 | 102486 | E & AM Williams | Fuel – Aug 2011 |
£155.57 |
CM0602 | 102487 | Lawrence’s Garden Shop | Materials |
£44.27 |
CM0603 | 102488 | Gustharts | Sthil Two stroke oil |
£18.20 |
CM0604 | 102489 | Cancelled cheque | N/a |
£0.00 |
CM0605 | 102490 | Northumbrian Water | Metered charges |
£56.72 |
CM0606 | 102491 | Robson & Cowan | Machine service and brushcutter |
£599.99 |
6.5: The following amounts have been paid by standing order/direct debit showing on bank tatements at 31st August 2011
Date | Method | Payment to | Reason |
Amount |
10/08/11 | DD | Siemens Finance | Copier Finance |
£153.15 |
11/08/11 | SO | Confidential | Salaries and Wage |
£1612.37 |
11/08/11 | SO | Confidential | Salaries and Wages |
£1039.74 |
11/08/11 | SO | Confidential | Salaries and Wages |
£966.97 |
11/08/11 | SO | Confidential | Salaries and Wages |
£502.73 |
6.6: Government Procurement card purchases
The approval of cheque number 102492 for the purchases made using the Government Procurement card Minute ref (TC0611)
Ref | Date | Payment made to | Reason |
Gross amount |
GP0601 | 16/08/11 | Quality Garden Tools | Shovels for grave digging |
£85.42 |
GP0602 | 16/08/11 | Alana Ecology Ltd | 4 x bat boxes |
£146.73 |
GP0603 | 22/08/11 | Honey Brothers Ltd | Strimming trousers |
£88.96 |
Total £321.11
6.7: The following amounts have been received since the last Meeting and were presented for information:
Ref | Payment received from | Reason |
Amount |
RC0601 | Co-operative | INV111220 |
£485.00 |
RC0602 | Coquet Community Church | Donation for room use (cash) |
£10.00 |
RC0603 | Rowell | Rent |
£135.00 |
RC0604 | Santander | Interest |
£4.51 |
RC0605 | CWGC |
£45.00 |
Total £679.51
6.8: Acceptance of SPENd/Budget Figures – YTD plus bank reconciliation:
The figures for the month of September 2011 were presented; copies are available on application to the Clerk.
8.1: Completed Audit paperwork to be approved – The Clerk informed that the audit had been received with no points to note. The notice would be displayed in the window on the proposal of Cllr Mrs Lewis, seconded by Cllr Hinson and agreed.
8.2: Consideration of direct debit payment for utility bills in the future following the signing of a mandate by two signatories – The Clerk reported that direct debit mandates would result in savings and could be signed by two signatories for utility and telephone bills; this was proposed by Cllr Mrs Lewis, seconded by Cllr Hinson and agreed.
8.3: Information re: Wall at Wynd; Cllr Mrs Lewis brought to the attention of the Committee the incident where a van had crashed into the wall at the Wynd, clipping the planter and taking out the seat as it was important that actions taken were noted as soon as possible. The Clerk informed that quotes had been requested, a copy of the police report received and insurance company notified. Cllr Mrs Lewis suggested if the repair works could not be done straight away then it should at least be cordoned off for safety purposes.
8.4: Mobile phones at Cemetery
The Clerk informed of an offer for contract mobile phones that matched the current expenditure of the pay as you go phone but allowed for extended minutes. Cllr Mrs Lewis proposed that 2 phones be purchased via this contract. This was seconded by Cllr Hinson and agreed.
9. DATE & TIME OF NEXT MEETING: The next Meeting is scheduled to be held on Thursday, 27th October 2011 at 6.30pm in The Council Offices, Warkworth Harbour Commissioner’s Building, The Quayside, Amble
The meeting closed at 7.15pm